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As part of the 2020 National Science and Technology Celebration, the Department of Science and Technology will be conducting a CEST Forum on November 25, 2020 at 9:00AM - 11:00AM.
Community Empowerment Thru Science and Technology (CEST) is one of the banner programs of DOST which aims to deliver sustainable development to various communities nationwide through the provision of S&T interventions along the five CEST entry points, i.e. Livelihood, Health and Nutrition, Environmental Protection and conservation, Education, and Disaster Risk Reduction Management.
Part of this activity is the awarding of the 2020 BEST Community. An Award given to the CEST Community beneficiary who has excelled in the implementation of the program which will be selected from several entries nationwide.
Registration link: http://bit.ly/2020NSTW_CESTforum